Authorities and Duties of the National
Executive Officers
a. To take active supervision and control over the properties, interest, businesses and affairs of the Federation; b. To preside in all meetings of the Executive Officers, Executive Board and an assembly; c. To supervise, direct and control subordinate officers in discharge of their duties and authorities; d. To lead the members in carrying out the activities and objectives of the Federation and enforce the provisions of this Constitution and By-laws, and all the rules and regulations enacted in an assembly; e. To delegate any officers any of his authorities and duties whenever in his judgment such delegation is expedient and practicable; f. To authorize expenditures necessary in carrying out the Federation activities and programs; g. To render annual report of the Federation’s activities for internal and external users; h. To act as on eof the signatories in all cash disbursement from the bank account credited to the Federation; i. To act as the OIC of the Grievance and Chapter Service Committee; and j. To perform the duties inherent to the position.
a. To perform and discharge the powers and duties of the President in the latter’s absence or inability; b. To supervise the implementation of academic project of the Federation; c. To act as the OIC of the Education and Research Committee; and d. To perform other duties inherent to the position.
a. To supervise and execute the complementary role of curricular and extra-curricular activities by integrating and coordinating cultural, spiritual and sports activities and incorporate these in the general activities of the Federation; b. To coordinate with other institutions, agencies or organizations necessary for the non-academic programs of the Federation; c. To act as the OIC of the Culture and Sports Committee; and d.To perform other duties inherent to the position.
a. To keep a complete and up-to-date list of names of all accredited members and directories; b. To recruit the JPIA organizations of school, which are not yet members of the Federation; c. To monitor the attendance, performance and degree of participation of member schools I the Federation meetings and functions; d. To act as the OIC of the Membership Committee; and e. To perform other duties inherent to the position.
a. To authorize together with President the use of funds and properties; b. To handle and safeguard all funs and properties; c. To keep all original documents pertaining to cash receipts and disbursements; d. To prepare the financial statements; e. To act as the OIC of the Finance Committee; and f. To perform other duties inherent to the position.
a. To serve as the Liaison officer for Communications; b. To act as the OIC of the Public Relations and Communications Committee; and c. To perform other duties inherent to the position.
a. To monitor all receipts and disbursements of the Federation every month; b. To audit the financial statements prepared by the Vice-President for Finance; c. To render a reasonable assurance as to the fairness of the financial statements under audit. In any case the Auditor cannot attest to the fair presentation, the reasons shall be stated in the Auditor’s Report; and d. To perform other duties inherent to the position.
a. To keep accurate minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Board; b. To disseminate all notices required to be given by the Constitution and By-laws; c. To be the custodian of all records, documents and papers of the Federation and to certify all records of the Federation noted by the President; d. To coordinate with the STANCOM’s chairpersons for record keeping purposes; e. To submit to PICPA the progress report of the Federation; and f. To perform other duties inherent to the position.
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